When the Hyundai Ioniq 7 electric SUV will arrive in Australia

1 year ago 41

The upcoming Hyundai Ioniq 7 electrical SUV volition beryllium connected merchantability astatine immoderate constituent successful 2024, the brand’s section limb has confirmed.

Direct to user elder manager astatine Hyundai Australia, Andrew Stamatakis, told media the marque expects the as-yet-unrevealed Ioniq 7 to beryllium connected merchantability locally adjacent year, and assistance to treble the forecasted income measurement for Ioniq vehicles for this year.

Hyundai projects 6000 units of its Ioniq-branded electrical vehicles for 2024, up from 3000 successful 2023.

The Ioniq 7 volition besides signifier portion of Hyundai Australia’s plans to connection an electrified enactment successful each of its SUV segments by the extremity of adjacent year, joining the Santa Fe Hybrid successful the ample SUV market.

Previewed by the Seven Concept successful 2021, the Ioniq 7 volition beryllium the brand’s sister car to the Kia EV9, besides a three-row full-size SUV based connected the Hyundai-Kia E-GMP dedicated electrical car platform.

With 3200mm wheelbase, Hyundai says the interior of the Seven offers a “completely caller magnitude of space”. There are 3 rows of seating, and the level level combines with a tall, level extortion to treble down connected the lounge-like interior aesthetic established by the Ioniq 5.

Like different vehicles successful the Ioniq range, the accumulation Ioniq 7 should besides marque usage of recycled and sustainable materials successful its accumulation – specified arsenic the upholsteries, plastics, and paints.

Hyundai is yet to amusement the Ioniq 7 successful accumulation signifier arsenic yet, but we’re expecting the brand’s caller flagship SUV to debut sometime aboriginal this year, up of an Australian motorboat successful the caller year.

The Seven Concept quoted “more than 480km” successful driving range, though with undisclosed drivetrain specs. While Hyundai hasn’t confirmed further details, the caller Kia EV9 should connection immoderate beardown clues, fixed the shared underpinnings.

  • Standard: 160kW/350Nm single-motor RWD, 0-100km/h successful 8.2 seconds
  • Long Range: 150kW/350Nm single-motor RWD, 0-100km/h successful 9.4 seconds
  • Dual Motor: 283kW/600Nm dual-motor AWD, 0-100km/h successful 6.0 seconds

A Boost diagnostic is disposable connected the Kia Connect store for dual-motor versions, expanding torque to 700Nm and cutting the 0-100km/h clip to 5.3 seconds. Kia claims the EV9 volition connection towing capableness of up to 2500kg.

All barroom the rear-wheel thrust Standard volition usage a 99.8kWh battery, with the basal exemplary utilizing a smaller 76.1kWh battery.

Kia has lone published a scope fig for the rear-wheel thrust Long Range exemplary with 19-inch wheels, which works retired to 541km connected the stricter WLTP cycle.

The EV9 offers 800V ultra-fast charging capableness similar different vehicles connected the E-GMP platform, and Kia says 239km of scope tin beryllium added successful 15 minutes.

It tin besides beryllium utilized to powerfulness appliances acknowledgment to a Vehicle-to-Load (V2L) function, which puts retired up to 3.68kW of power.

Hyundai Australia wants to merchantability 3000 units crossed the Ioniq 5 and Ioniq 6 nameplates successful 2023 – including the Ioniq 5 N owed earlier the extremity of this twelvemonth – good up connected the 756 Ioniq 5 vehicles registered for the 2022 calendar year. With the accomplishment of the Ioniq 7 successful 2024, that yearly measurement is expected to treble to 6000 units.

The brand’s section part says proviso is opening up, meaning it nary longer has to merchantability its E-GMP models successful ‘drops’ arsenic it has done with the Ioniq 5 successful the past. There’s nary much geofencing either, meaning anyone successful Australia tin present bargain an Ioniq 5 oregon Ioniq 6 utilizing the online income portal, and instrumentality transportation from your preferred ‘delivery partner’.

Speaking of, Hyundai wants to person up to 90 transportation partners crossed 90-100 dealerships crossed Australia by the extremity of adjacent year. Currently, that tally is sitting astatine 24 partners.

Stay tuned to CarExpert for each the latest.

MORE: 2023 Hyundai Ioniq 6 review
MORE: Hyundai Seven Concept revealed

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