Volunteer Appreciation Month: Michiko Hashimoto

2 months ago 13

Michiko Hashimoto, Volunteer Since 2012

A Cat Care Champion

Since 2012, Michiko has fixed her clip to payment the well-being of our felines astatine North Shore Animal League America. Michiko’s emotion for cats began during her puerility successful Japan, with a mischievous four-legged companion who stole her heart. Michiko was devastated erstwhile her parents gave the feline away, but miraculously her beloved favored escaped and recovered his mode home; cementing her lifelong passionateness for cats and the enduring bonds we signifier with them.

Volunteer Michiko Hashimoto

Now arsenic a unpaid astatine Animal League America, Michiko finds enjoyment successful providing attraction to the cats awaiting their adoption day. She is among the fewer who tin retrieve the abstraction earlier Bianca’s Furry Friends Feline Adoption Center was built, and truthful has a peculiar appreciation of the beautiful, sunny and cage-free situation our cats and kittens present enjoy.

One of Michiko’s favourite aspects of her displacement is feeding time. She takes pleasance successful the excitement of the cats arsenic they eagerly await their meals and finds joyousness successful making them happy. Her dedication and affirmative cognition person not gone unnoticed by her chap volunteers and staff. As Lead Feline Kennel Manager Michael Spiotta said, “Michiko ever shows up to unpaid with a grin connected her look and a bounce successful her step! She is passionate astir providing each that is needed for the felines successful our care, and adjacent comes successful connected other days if assistance is needed!”

Volunteer Michiko Hashimoto

Michiko’s transportation to Animal League America runs deep, having adopted 2 of her ain cats. And our no-kill committedness holds profound meaning for Michiko, arsenic she has observed implicit clip however cats of each conditions and ages yet find their mode home. “Sometimes radical travel successful and say, ‘I privation to follow the feline nary 1 wants’ and it’s truly amazing,” she noted.

North Shore Animal League America is grateful for volunteers similar Michiko, whose empathy and bully quality enrich our animals and our organization.

Volunteer Michiko Hashimoto

April is Volunteer Appreciation Month

At North Shore Animal League America, we could not execute each of the hands-on enactment that we bash without the assistance of our unthinkable squad of dedicated volunteers.

If you’d similar to larn much astir the Volunteer Program and disposable opportunities, delight sojourn animalleague.org/volunteer.

The station Volunteer Appreciation Month: Michiko Hashimoto appeared archetypal connected Animal League.

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