Volkswagen cuts T-Cross price ahead of updated model

1 year ago 41

Highly antithetic for a car marque successful 2023, Volkswagen has really reduced the drive-away terms of its top-spec T-Cross 85TSI Style ahead of the motorboat of an updated exemplary aboriginal this year.

The T-Cross 85TSI Style is present $1000 cheaper than earlier astatine $35,990 drive-away, portion the basal Life is priced astatine $33,490 drive-away until June 30.

Volkswagen has secured different 1400 examples of the Style, and it’s among the models it says it has bully proviso of.

The institution besides advises the T-Roc, T-Roc R, Tiguan Allspace (in 132TSI Life and 162TSI Adventure guises), Passat, Arteon and Touareg are present disposable for either contiguous transportation oregon a hold of nether 3 months.

It besides says it’s “well-placed” to invited the Amarok successful May.

The institution says the other banal of the T-Cross volition “round retired the existent range” successful mentation for an updated exemplary aboriginal this year.

The updated exemplary has been spied testing, with lone insignificant cosmetic tweaks expected similar caller bumpers and refreshed lighting. It’s unclear what different changes volition beryllium applied.

Volkswagen archetypal introduced the T-Cross to Australia successful 2020, offering it exclusively successful 85TSI Life and Style trim levels with a turbocharged 1.0-litre three-cylinder motor with 85kW of powerfulness and 200Nm of torque, mated with a seven-speed dual-clutch automatic.

While a turbocharged 1.5-litre four-cylinder motor was slated for Australia, this ne'er eventuated. In Europe, this motor produces 110kW and 250Nm.

Last year, Volkswagen sold 5146 examples of the T-Cross successful Australia, putting it up of different airy European crossovers similar the Ford Puma (2408 sales), Nissan Juke (1084) and Renault Captur (1207).

The marque is aiming to summation its wide income by astatine slightest 20 per cent successful 2023, adjacent arsenic it inactive deals with proviso concatenation issues.

“We truly person to proceed to enactment done the proviso concatenation restriction. So it’s not astir the merchandise and not being capable to merchantability it, we’ve got the request there,” said Michelle Rowney, caput of merchandise for Volkswagen Passenger Vehicles successful Australia, precocious past year.

“Just unfortunately, connected immoderate of our important models similar Tiguan, we’re conscionable falling abbreviated of proviso compared to demand. So those figures I gave were rather conservative, we’re inactive planning, we’re inactive moving with the mill and what they tin bring in.”

It sold 30,946 vehicles successful 2022, conscionable implicit fractional its 2015 tally of 60,225 vehicles.

The T-Cross was its champion seller, up of the Amarok (4514), T-Roc (3627), Tiguan Allspace (3876), Golf (3223) and Tiguan (2658).

MORE: Everything Volkswagen T-Cross

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