Review: TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card

3 weeks ago 12

The TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card is our prime for the best Aeroplan recognition paper for beginners and the best wide TD recognition card.

This paper offers a consistently precocious invited bonus, meaningful Air Canada perks, beardown insurance, and the quality to gain invaluable Aeroplan points. The benefits that travel with the paper tin easy warrant the $139 yearly fee.

That said, nary recognition paper is perfect, and if you privation a recognition paper with much perks oregon amended earning rates, determination are options that are stronger successful these areas.

Let’s dive into the galore reasons wherefore the TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card 1 of the champion Aeroplan co-branded recognition cards retired there, and besides wherever it doesn’t rather measurement up.

At a Glance

Annual fee:


Supplementary cardholders:


Minimum yearly income:

$60,000 (personal), $100,000 (household)

Estimated recognition score:

Good to excellent



What We Love: earning Aeroplan points connected day-to-day purchases, invaluable Air Canada perks, security sum for Aeroplan grant tickets. What we’d change: bring backmost the Buddy Pass, adhd complimentary Maple Leaf Lounge visits, boost earning rates.

Strong Welcome Bonus

Over the past fewer years, the invited bonus connected the TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card has fluctuated between 40,000 and 70,000 Aeroplan points.

You typically gain a information of the invited bonus instantly aft making your archetypal purchase, and past the adjacent batch of points are earned aft you conscionable a minimum spending requirement wrong the archetypal 180 days (usually $6,000).

If you walk capable connected your paper wrong the archetypal year, a last one-time day bonus is awarded arsenic portion of astir invited bonuses these days, too.

The TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card whitethorn besides travel with a one-time yearly interest rebate, depending connected the offer.

We worth Aeroplan points astatine 2.1 cents per point. Using this valuation, astatine the little extremity of the range, we’d worth a invited bonus of 40,000 Aeroplan points astatine astir $840 (all figures successful CAD), portion an connection astatine the higher extremity of the scope of 70,000 Aeroplan points tin beryllium worthy a staggering $1,470.

Of course, depending connected however you take to redeem your points, it could besides beryllium worthy overmuch much oregon less.

The champion clip to use is erstwhile the invited bonus is astatine oregon adjacent to 70,000 Aeroplan points, oregon immoderate clip erstwhile there’s an yearly interest rebate.

While it’s ever a bully signifier to hold for the highest invited bonus possible, adjacent with a little invited bonus, there’s a batch of worth successful signing up for the TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card.

Standard Earning Rates

Every clip you usage your TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card, you’ll gain Aeroplan points.

The fig of points you gain depends connected wherever the acquisition is made, arsenic the paper comes with the pursuing earning rates:

  • Earn 1.5 Aeroplan points per dollar spent connected eligible gas, groceries, and purchases made straight with Air Canada and Air Canada Vacations†
  • Earn 1 Aeroplan constituent per dollar spent connected each different eligible purchases†
Earn 1.5 Aeroplan points per dollar spent connected eligible Air Canada purchases with the TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card

The elevated earning rates connected state and market purchases are connected par with akin recognition cards; however, determination are different recognition cards that connection amended earning rates successful these (and other) categories.

For example, a fig of different recognition cards connection elevated earning rates successful categories specified arsenic dining, nutrient delivery, recurring measure payments, and streaming services.

With the TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card, erstwhile you walk wealth eating retired oregon ordering in, you’ll lone gain the baseline complaint of 1 Aeroplan constituent per dollar spent.

Depending connected however overmuch you walk successful definite categories, it whitethorn beryllium worthy considering putting immoderate of your spending connected a recognition paper different than the TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card, and we’ll research a mates imaginable options successful the last conception of this review.

Flexible Redemptions with Aeroplan Points

Air Canada’s Aeroplan programme is 1 of the champion hose loyalty programs for anyone looking to question astatine a fraction of the cost.

Not lone tin you redeem your Aeroplan points for Air Canada flights, but you tin besides redeem Aeroplan points for flights with 45+ spouse airlines.

Aeroplan points are worthy the astir erstwhile you redeem them for long-haul concern people and First Class flights. However, you tin inactive get a batch of worth erstwhile you redeem Aeroplan points for shorter flights, oregon adjacent flights successful economy.

For example, the invited bonus that comes with the TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card could perchance screen a one-way formation from Vancouver to Tokyo successful concern class, if you tin find ANA concern people awards for 55,000 points apiece.

Alternatively, if you privation to research a adjacent metropolis oregon publication a positioning flight to a antithetic airport, you could besides usage Aeroplan points to publication short-haul flights. This tin beryllium a large enactment since one-way system flights wrong North America that are nether 500 miles outgo arsenic fewer arsenic 6,000 points.

For example, a formation from Toronto to New York City is lone 342 miles, meaning that you could publication a round-trip system formation betwixt the cities for arsenic fewer arsenic 12,000 Aeroplan points.

If you’d similar to larn much astir Aeroplan’s unthinkable redemption opportunities, cheque retired our usher to Aeroplan.

Comprehensive Insurance Coverage

The TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card’s security sum is precise strong, and it’s 1 of the reasons wherefore this paper has specified a precocious standing successful this review.

To start, ‌the emergency aesculapian security of up to $2,000,000 is disposable connected the archetypal 21 days of a travel (or connected the archetypal 4 days of a travel for cardholders aged 65 and up).†

Credit cards with akin yearly fees usually lone connection exigency aesculapian security connected the archetypal 15 days of travel.

The card’s further question security offerings, including trip cancellation/trip interruption insurance, delayed and mislaid baggage insurance, and flight hold insurance each supply akin oregon amended sum than different comparable recognition cards.

What’s more, astir recognition cards, adjacent ones with fantabulous question insurance, won’t screen you connected grant bookings, but with your TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card, you inactive bask security sum connected Aeroplan grant bookings erstwhile you complaint the afloat taxes and fees of the grant summons to your card.†

Lastly, erstwhile you usage your paper for larger expenses, you person other purchase and information insurance, and an extended warranty, including connected mobile telephone purchases.†

What Else Does the Card Offer?

The TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card comes with further benefits that marque this paper worthy keeping for the long-term, particularly if you alert with Air Canada.

One notable payment is that you and up to 8 question companions connected the aforesaid booking tin each cheque 1 container astatine nary outgo connected Air Canada flights.†

With Air Canada, the archetypal checked container usually costs astir $35 for one-way flights wrong North America, and $75 for one-way flights to different planetary destinations. That means that this payment unsocial could‌ prevention you hundreds of dollars, particularly if you question often oregon arsenic a mates oregon a family.

Enjoy your archetypal checked container escaped arsenic a payment connected the TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card

Other Air Canada benefits that travel with the TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card see the following:

Rounding retired the card’s benefits is the NEXUS rebate. Every 4 years, you’ll beryllium eligible to person a NEXUS exertion interest rebate of up to $100.†

Other Cards to Consider

There’s a batch to emotion astir the TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card, but determination are besides options to consider, depending connected your question goals.

For example, the TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card doesn’t travel with immoderate airdrome lounge access.

TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite Privilege* Card
Welcome Bonus
Up to 85,000 Aeroplan points†
Annual Fee
First-Year Value

If you’re looking for stronger hose benefits, including lounge access, past the TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite Privilege* Card is worthy considering, too.

For a higher yearly fee, the TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite Privilege* Card volition gain you much Aeroplan points connected your day-to-day expenses, and springiness you entree to Air Canada Maple Leaf Lounges and airdrome lounges done the Visa Airport Companion Program.†

With this card, you’ll besides bask precedence boarding and check-in, positive adjacent much Air Canada benefits.†

American Express Cobalt Card
Welcome Bonus
15,000 MR points
Annual Fee
First-Year Value

Alternatively, if you don’t attraction astir question benefits, and you’d alternatively gain the highest magnitude of Aeroplan points possible, the American Express Cobalt Card has the champion earning rates successful the country.

With the Amex Cobalt Card, you won’t gain Aeroplan points directly, but the Amex Membership Rewards points you gain tin beryllium transferred to Aeroplan points astatine a 1:1 ratio.

Notably, the American Express Cobalt Card earns 5 Membership Rewards points per dollar spent successful prime categories, including eating and groceries.


The TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card is simply a large recognition paper for Air Canada benefits and earning Aeroplan points, and it’s our prime for the champion wide TD recognition paper product.

For a tenable yearly fee, you get a generous invited bonus,  arsenic good arsenic beardown ongoing recognition paper question and security benefits.

There are different cards worthy considering if you don’t caput paying much for amended benefits, oregon if you’re consenting to sacrifice Air Canada perks for amended earning rates.

That being said, the TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card is 1 of the champion Aeroplan recognition cards disposable to Canadians, and 1 that we urge arsenic an essential recognition paper for each Canadian travellers.

† Terms and conditions apply. Please notation to the TD website for the astir up-to-date merchandise information.

The station Review: TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card appeared archetypal connected Prince of Travel by Tyler Derksen.

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