Marriott Homes & Villas Promotion: Stay Two Nights, Earn 50,000 Points

1 month ago 7

Homes & Villas by Marriott Bonvoy has rolled retired its latest promotion for stays done to the extremity of the year. This promotion, which has the highest bonus offered to date, affords members with Marriott Bonvoy Elite status 50,000 Marriott Bonvoy points per eligible stay.

If you person immoderate radical stays planned betwixt May 6 and December 31, 2024, you tin perchance pad your Bonvoy equilibrium by opting for a stay, oregon aggregate stays, successful Marriott’s mentation of location rentals alternatively of a hotel.

What Is Homes & Villas by Marriott Bonvoy?

The Marriott International edifice concatenation offers a curated enactment of implicit 100,000 abrogation rentals astir the globe, successful summation to its portfolio of edifice properties.

Homes & Villas by Marriott Bonvoy, which is Marriott’s reply to vie with Airbnb, launched successful 2019, and tends to absorption connected higher-end rentals successful each determination market.

The location rental programme allows Marriott loyalists to acquisition unsocial accommodations with an elevated question acquisition arsenic an alternate to the accepted portfolio of Marriott hotels. At the aforesaid time, you inactive person the accidental to gain and redeem Bonvoy points.

Staying with Marriott Homes & Villas earns elite qualifying nights towards your Marriott Bonvoy status, truthful it’s ever worthy checking the Homes & Villas level if you’re successful the temper to publication a abrogation rental alternatively of a edifice for an upcoming trip. 

Just similar Airbnbs, the Homes & Villas properties are tally by idiosyncratic owners oregon absorption companies and not by Marriott; instead, the rentals are simply stamped with the committedness to present the aforesaid standards you tin expect portion staying astatine a Marriott property.

Stay Two Nights, Get 50,000 Bonvoy Points

Marriott Homes & Villas has travel up with rather a fewer promotions since its launch; however, lone a prime fewer person been peculiarly compelling.

To beryllium eligible for the existent promotion, you’ll archetypal request to sign successful and registry connected the landing page betwixt present and May 10, 2024. You besides indispensable person immoderate elite presumption tier with Marriott Bonvoy, including Silver, Gold, Platinum, Titanium, oregon Ambassador.

Then, you request to book a enactment of astatine slightest 2 consecutive nights worthy astatine slightest $2,500 (USD) oregon the equivalent successful overseas currency. 

Stays indispensable beryllium booked betwixt present and 11:59pm Eastern Time connected May 10, 2024; however, your check-out dates tin beryllium anytime betwixt May 6 and December 31, 2024.

Earn 50,000 points by booking a two-night enactment with Marriott Homes & Villas

There’s nary bounds to however galore times you tin gain 50,000 points with this promotion, and the bonus points volition beryllium awarded betwixt 3 and six weeks pursuing the palmy completion of an eligible stay.

Award stays aren’t eligible for this promotion, and neither are stays booked astatine immoderate Marriott-branded hotels, Marriott Executive Apartments, oregon Marriott Participating Brand Residences that whitethorn beryllium disposable connected the Homes & Villas platform.

This latest promotion is worthy considering if you person a radical enactment planned betwixt present and the extremity of the year, and you’re considering booking a location alternatively of a hotel.

It’s worthy noting that this is the biggest bonus ever offered done Homes & Villas, though it’s besides worthy mentioning that the minimum spending request is higher than usual.

How to Maximize the Marriott Homes & Villas Promotion

With a fixed magnitude of 50,000 Marriott Bonvoy points awarded for eligible stays, you’ll get the champion instrumentality by booking stays of arsenic adjacent to $2,500 (USD) arsenic possible. 

We value Marriott Bonvoy points astatine 0.8 cents per constituent (CAD) oregon 0.6 cents per constituent (USD); hence, we’d worth 50,000 points astatine $400 (CAD) oregon $300 (USD).

Using this valuation, if you were to walk precisely $2,500 (USD), you’d beryllium looking astatine astir a 12% instrumentality successful points with the promotion alone.

For stays booked successful currencies different than US dollars, you whitethorn privation to err connected the broadside of caution and publication a enactment for somewhat supra the threshold, to relationship for immoderate currency conversion fluctuations that whitethorn bring your enactment to little than $2,500 (USD). 

As per usual, you’ll inactive gain basal points connected your stay, arsenic good arsenic elite qualifying nights and bonus points arsenic a Marriott Bonvoy elite member.

If you wage for the transaction with a Marriott Bonvoy co-branded recognition card, you’ll besides gain points for your Homes & Villas booking.

Marriott Bonvoy Co-Branded Credit Cards successful Canada
Credit Card Best Offer Value
85,000 Bonvoy points $642 Apply Now
90,000 Bonvoy points $750 Apply Now

For example, if you publication astatine a Marriott Homes & Villas property, for each US dollar spent, you tin earn:

For a enactment of precisely $2,500 (USD), you could gain up to 14.75 points per US dollar spent, oregon a full of up to 36,875 Marriott Bonvoy points: 5 basal points, 3.75 points arsenic a Titanium oregon Ambassador Elite member, and 6 points by paying with an eligible US-issued co-branded recognition card.

When combined with the points earned from the existent promotion, you’d beryllium looking astatine a full of up to 86,875 points connected a enactment of precisely $2,500 (USD), which is adjacent to an effectual instrumentality of astir 21% successful the signifier of points. Of course, this fig would alteration if the full outgo of your enactment is greater than $2,500 (USD).

Again, portion it’s not worthwhile to prosecute this promotion solely for the bonus points, if you were going to different marque a booking for a location rental, astatine slightest you’d extremity up with a tidy sum of points for your efforts.


Marriott’s abrogation location rental brand, Homes & Villas by Marriott Bonvoy, has enactment retired a caller promotion, done which Marriott Bonvoy Elite members tin gain 50,000 bonus points for each eligible enactment of 2 consecutive nights oregon more. To suffice for the bonus, the full outgo of your enactment needs to beryllium at slightest $2,500 (USD).

This promotion could beryllium a bully accidental to effort retired a non-traditional Marriott acquisition connected your 2024 travels, portion earning a bully chunk of bonus points and besides obtaining elite qualifying nights towards Marriott Bonvoy elite status.

If you’re keen connected taking vantage of the promotion, be definite to register and marque your minimum two-night booking of astatine slightest $2,500 (USD) from May 2—10, 2024, for stays done December 31, 2024.

The station Marriott Homes & Villas Promotion: Stay Two Nights, Earn 50,000 Points appeared archetypal connected Prince of Travel by Ricky Zhang.

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