Mahindra Scorpio deals: EOFY offer brings free servicing

3 weeks ago 11

Mahindra Australia is offering 3 years of escaped servicing connected each Scorpio SUVs purchased and delivered by June 30, 2024.

It’s portion of a scope of offers crossed the section lineup, including discounted drive-away pricing for the XUV700 and a escaped enactment bundle connected the PikUp.

MORE: Buy a Mahindra Scorpio

Logbook servicing for the Scorpio is required each 12 months oregon 10,000km, whichever comes first, which means up to the archetypal 36 months/30,000km is covered.

The archetypal 3 services usually outgo $460, $370 and $450, respectively.

The Scorpio scope opens astatine $41,990 drive-away for the Z8, with the Z8L priced astatine $45,990 drive-away. All Australian-market Scorpios person a 2.2-litre turbo-diesel four-cylinder motor and a six-seat configuration.

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MORE: Buy a Mahindra Scorpio

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