Mahindra readying new ute, five-door Thar off-roader

1 year ago 33

Mahindra is successful the midst of an astir implicit overhaul of its Australian line-up, and the Indian marque has adjacent much caller merchandise it plans to uncover successful its location market.

In summation to a range of electrical vehicles, Mahindra is moving connected caller internal-combustion motor (ICE) products which it volition measure for a section launch.

The archetypal of these upcoming models is simply a stretched, five-door mentation of the boxy Thar SUV that’s akin successful benignant to the Jeep Wrangler Unlimited and Suzuki Jimny 5-Door.

Camouflaged prototype versions of this Thar 5-Door person been spied successful India, with media determination saying it could beryllium revealed arsenic soon arsenic August this year.

It’s understood this five-door mentation of the Mahindra Thar volition showcase a plan refresh that volition transportation implicit to the existing three-door model. It’s unclear precisely what changes the Thar volition get astatine this stage.

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A Mahindra Automotive Australia spokesperson told CarExpert it volition “definitely” beryllium evaluating the Thar 5-Door for a section motorboat erstwhile it’s revealed. Whether it really goes connected merchantability successful Australia is different communicative altogether.

As previously reported, Mahindra Automotive Australia shelved plans to import and merchantability the Thar, astatine slightest successful its contiguous incarnation, aft a Federal Court lawsuit filed by Stellantis forced its hand.

Stellantis had been trying to halt the merchantability of the Thar locally, arguing it impinged connected its plan trademarks – specifically, that it looked excessively overmuch similar the Jeep Wrangler.

It’s unclear if the updated Thar volition person capable plan changes to let it to beryllium sold successful Australia astatine this stage.

The different ICE conveyance Mahindra that’s understood to beryllium successful the pipeline is simply a next-generation mentation of its Pik-Up ute.

Mahindra, dissimilar a fig of carmakers, has historically revealed the related body-on-frame Scorpio SUV a fewer years earlier the Pik-Up ute.

The archetypal Mahindra Pik-Up, known arsenic the Scorpio Getaway successful definite markets, was launched successful India successful 2006, which was 4 years aft the archetypal Scorpio SUV was revealed. It came to Australia successful 2009.

The current, second-generation Pik-Up was launched successful Australia successful 2018, which was besides 4 years aft the 2nd Scorpio launched successful definite markets.

The third-generation Scorpio, which is based connected a caller platform, was revealed past twelvemonth and points toward a caller Pik-Up being revealed astir 2026.

A Mahindra Australia spokesperson told CarExpert “[the company] would beryllium putting [its] manus up for it”.

The caller Scorpio six-seat body-on-frame SUV conscionable launched successful Australia and volition beryllium followed by a sleeker-looking XUV700 seven-seater SUV aboriginal this year.

Beyond Mahindra’s ICE vehicles, the institution is moving connected a bid of 5 electrical vehicles (EVs). The archetypal of these models volition spell connected merchantability successful India by the extremity of 2024.

Mahindra Automotive Australia selling manager James Halliwell precocious told section media the institution volition “evaluate immoderate of those models for this market” and volition apt motorboat an EV present astir 2025 oregon 2026.

MORE: Everything Mahindra Pik-Up
MORE: Mahindra tells Federal Court it won’t merchantability Jeep Wrangler lookalike successful Australia
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