Geely’s Australian return revealed in local filings, job ad

3 weeks ago 9

China’s Geely looks acceptable to instrumentality to Australia.

Technically, the Chinese elephantine already has a beingness present done Lotus, Polestar and Volvo, which it owns. It besides has its Zeekr electrical conveyance (EV) marque coming successful the 2nd fractional of 2024, and has antecedently confirmed Lynk & Co for 2025.

But successful a occupation posting connected LinkedIn, it has confirmed it’s looking for a nationalist selling manager who volition beryllium liable for “the marque strategy of Geely” and “new Geely marque building”.

This suggests Geely plans to bring its namesake marque to the Australian market, joining a bevy of rival Chinese brands including BYD, Chery and MG.

Zhejiang Geely Holding Group has besides precocious filed trademarks pointing to the motorboat of the Geely Auto brand.

It filed to trademark the Geely sanction connected January 19, 2024, arsenic good arsenic what appears to beryllium a mentation of its six-segment logo connected October 14, 2023.

As is emblematic of a large Chinese brand, there’s a sprawling scope of vehicles nether the Geely Auto banner successful China positive a mates of sub-brands.

Geometry is simply a sub-brand established successful 2019 for affordable EVs, portion Galaxy was established past twelvemonth for much premium models similar the ample E8 electrical sedan.

While it’s marketed arsenic a abstracted marque similar Zeekr and not a sub-brand, Radar Auto besides sits nether the Geely Holding umbrella.

Its archetypal vehicle, the electric RD6 ute, has already been confirmed for right-hand drive, portion the Ridarra nameplate has been trademarked locally. It’s unclear whether this would beryllium sold nether the Geely Auto marque here.

The Geely Auto marque includes everything from an electrical micro car, the Panda Mini, each the mode up to the Kia Sorento-sized Haoyue three-row SUV, known arsenic the Okavango extracurricular of China.

Some of these vehicles are already produced successful right-hand drive. The Okavango, for example, is produced successful right-hand thrust successful Malaysia, wherever it’s sold arsenic the Proton X90.

Many Geely vehicles, including the Okavango, the Xingyue (aka Tugella), and the Xingyue L (aka Monjaro), usage the Compact Modular Architecture (CMA) underpinnings of the Volvo XC40 and Polestar 2.

Geely has antecedently confirmed it plans to make much right-hand thrust models arsenic it looks to grow its planetary footprint.

“2024 marks a twelvemonth wherever Geely intensifies its marketplace presence, from steadfast ventures successful halfway markets to caller frontiers similar Latin America, Central Asia, ASEAN, and Pan-Europe,” it said successful a merchandise from past month.

The Geely marque has had a beingness successful Australia before.

In 2009, Western Australian car trader John Hughes announced plans to bring the Geely MK sedan and hatch to Australia.

These ended up being sold exclusively successful Western Australia. Hamstringing the brand’s maturation was the lack of physics stableness power successful the MK, which was mandated soon aft its launch.

The MK was besides swept up successful an asbestos callback that besides affected Great Wall and Chery. While the MK’s basal terms was slashed to a market-leading $8999 drive-away, it couldn’t prevention the marque here.

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