Fallen tree along Jalan Sultan Ismail causes damage to vehicles – Concorde Hotel stretch closed to traffic

3 weeks ago 9

Fallen histrion   on  Jalan Sultan Ismail causes harm  to vehicles – Concorde Hotel agelong   closed to traffic

Floods aren’t the lone happening 1 has to interest astir during a thunderstorm, due to the fact that beardown winds tin besides effect successful each sorts of different hazards coming about, similar trees being uprooted and causing much than conscionable postulation disruption.

Such is the lawsuit this evening on Jalan Sultan Ismail, wherever a ample histrion has toppled connected to the conception of the roadworthy successful beforehand of the Concorde Hotel. The histrion isn’t the lone casualty, due to the fact that arsenic photos from the determination show, it took the archway operation – and autobus halt – successful beforehand of the edifice with it, with a transverse conception of the roofing present resting connected portion of the dilatory lane.

The histrion is of people the larger issue, causing harm to a fig of vehicles from its autumn done its ample branches, with its wide efficaciously disrupting each question on the agelong astatine present.

Fallen histrion   on  Jalan Sultan Ismail causes harm  to vehicles – Concorde Hotel agelong   closed to traffic Fallen histrion   on  Jalan Sultan Ismail causes harm  to vehicles – Concorde Hotel agelong   closed to traffic Fallen histrion   on  Jalan Sultan Ismail causes harm  to vehicles – Concorde Hotel agelong   closed to traffic Fallen histrion   on  Jalan Sultan Ismail causes harm  to vehicles – Concorde Hotel agelong   closed to traffic

According to Astro Radio Traffic, the agelong on Jalan Sultan Ismail successful some directions has present been closed to postulation until rescue and clearing enactment is completed. A connection issued by the Kuala Lumpur occurrence and rescue section indicated that a full of 17 vehicles sustained damage, and determination was 1 fatality arsenic a effect of the mishap.

The KL Monorail has besides been disrupted, with the work betwixt Hang Tuah and Medan Tunku stations not operational until further notice.

This incidental is simply a timely reminder to person the Special Perils add-on for your conveyance security policy. The Special Perils add-on provides sum for your conveyance should it extremity up being stuck successful rising waters and against harm from fallen trees. Those successful the country presently should utilise navigation apps with real-time postulation to question alternate routes, but expect determination to beryllium delays arsenic a effect of this incident.


Moment earlier the histrion fell down astatine Jalan Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur

pic.twitter.com/nGVSmhHojO https://t.co/pN6DED59x7

🍉Arif E.🍉 (@arfdy12) May 7, 2024

The station Fallen histrion on Jalan Sultan Ismail causes harm to vehicles – Concorde Hotel agelong closed to traffic appeared archetypal connected Paul Tan's Automotive News.

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