Cybertruck Breaks Down 35 Miles After Delivery, Tesla Says Coolant Leaks Not Covered

3 weeks ago 10
  • A caller Cybertruck proprietor had a large coolant leak lone 35 miles into his ownership journey.
  • When helium archetypal contacted Tesla the automaker said that it didn’t screen coolant leaks nether its warranty.
  • The automaker past relented and sent a flatbed to prime up the rapidly breached EV.

Those who crave a Cybertruck successful their store are understandably stoked erstwhile transportation time comes. For 1 caller owner, his time went thing similar helium hoped it would. Not lone was the transportation acquisition sub-par, but the motortruck itself broke during his archetypal travel to complaint up.

To adhd insult to injury, Tesla initially told him that it wouldn’t screen the contented adjacent though he’d driven conscionable 35 miles (56 km) aft taking the motortruck into his hands. He dubbed his thread connected a Tesla forum “35 miles until Cybercrap.”

That’s right, this Cybertruck broke down 35 miles into its beingness and it’s not arsenic though the proprietor was taking it connected off-road jumps consecutive away. Instead, helium picked up the pickup successful Pensacola, Florida and that’s erstwhile the existent issues started. As you perceive this, support successful caput that this is simply a motortruck that astir surely cost the proprietor six figures.

Read: Two Tesla Cybertrucks Seized At Border On Suspicion Of Being Smuggled Into Russia

According to the archetypal poster, Cybeast connected CybertruckOwnersClub, “They said it’s implicit there, fto maine cognize if you person immoderate questions. The motortruck was precise soiled extracurricular and immoderate issues inside. Charge was astatine 47%. I’ve ne'er picked up a caller car without a afloat vessel of gas. Wtf Tesla?”

That acquisition would apt marque immoderate customers consciousness soiled adjacent if the car itself was a spot cleaner.

Things didn’t get immoderate amended from determination though. As the motortruck wasn’t afloat charged, the proprietor had to find a Supercharger presumption to apical it off. Upon reaching 1 successful Destin, FL, coolant began pouring retired of the rear of the truck. While Tesla claims vapor whitethorn occasionally look during charging for immoderate vehicles, this was a continuous watercourse of liquid.

 Cybertruck Breaks Down 35 Miles After Delivery, Tesla Says Coolant Leaks Not Covered Photo Cybeast

When the proprietor called Tesla astir it they archetypal said that they didn’t screen coolant leaks nether the warranty. “After a fewer prime words they said they would nonstop a tow truck,” says Cybeast.

They judge it’s astatine the work halfway present but arsenic of this writing, there’s nary connection connected however agelong the hole volition take. Other Cybertruck owners beware, the automaker appears acceptable to contradict claims adjacent erstwhile it’s astir unquestionably a accumulation error.

 Cybertruck Breaks Down 35 Miles After Delivery, Tesla Says Coolant Leaks Not Covered

Image Credit: Cybeast

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