turns three, celebrates by smashing boxes

1 year ago 39

Crack unfastened the champers, CarExpert is celebrating its 3rd birthday!

We wanted to instrumentality this accidental to convey everybody for their enactment implicit the past 3 years arsenic we navigated COVID restrictions and each situation you could perchance deliberation of to get to wherever we are contiguous – one of Australia’s biggest car sites, with Australia’s biggest automotive caller car reappraisal transmission connected YouTube.

In summation to celebrating our 3rd birthday, we’re celebrating being the archetypal Australian automotive caller car reappraisal transmission to deed 300,000 subscribers connected YouTube.

We’re besides an leader of conscionable shy of 50 full-time unit crossed offices successful Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. We wanted to observe by videoing a greenish ute smashing done immoderate boxes.

Some amusive CarExpert contented facts:

  • Last period 2.2 cardinal unsocial visitors came to More than fractional recovered america connected Google (Google Analytics, March 2023).
  • You tin present find CarExpert contented crossed Seven West Media’s sites (including 7News, The West, Perth Now, and regionals) that scope implicit 5 cardinal unsocial visitors per month, on with implicit 100 determination publications successful the Australian Community Media radical (including the Canberra Times, Newcastle Herald and more) that scope implicit 4.9 cardinal Aussies per month.
  • Last period radical consumed 500,000 hours of our contented connected YouTube crossed 3.7 cardinal views. The presumption number eclipses each our main competitors’ presumption counts (SocialBlade, March 2023).
  • We’ve published implicit 10,000 pieces of contented since we launched 3 years ago. That’s much than 9 pieces of contented each day.

Tech facts for the geeks retired there:

  • Our squad of developers has added implicit 1.5 cardinal lines of codification since we launched.
  • Since launching, our servers person transferred implicit 310 Terabytes of information – equivalent to watching astir 200,000 episodes of Friends back-to-back.
  • The squad has logged conscionable implicit 4500 accumulation deployments.
  • We’re a Mac company, with implicit 95 per cent of our unit utilizing MacBooks.

Some amusive CarExpert concern facts:

  • In summation to Alborz, Tony and I personally investing successful the business, we person a fig of high-profile investors who are large supporters of what the concern is doing, beyond delivering exceptional contented to our loyal readers.
  • We person a fig of billionaires connected the stock registry, including 1 with 1 of Australia’s biggest car collections.
  • Our imaginativeness is to go the astir trusted experts successful car ownership, enabling assured decisions.
  • We privation to beryllium the go-to destination for you to research, buy, and merchantability a car, having assurance successful the last determination you’ve made.
  • Last twelvemonth we acquired a concern called Price My Car which we are integrating into CarExpert, further solidifying the acquisition journey.
  • We money the concern successful portion done media income and telephone astir 70 per cent of manufacturers clients, with a 93 per cent repetition concern rate. We person besides tripled the size of our income squad successful the past year.
  • We person delivered implicit 250,000 caller car leads to dealers.

These large concern achievements let america to support investing successful contented for our readers and viewers.

Some of the awards we’ve picked up on the way:

  • Brand of the Year: Mumbrella Awards, 2022
  • Website of the Year: Mumbrella Awards, 2022
  • Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2022 (Alborz Fallah and Paul Maric): Australian Business News Awards, 2022
  • Website of the Year: Mumbrella Awards, 2021

Needless to say, our enactment isn’t done yet. We person truthful overmuch breathtaking quality to stock with you each implicit the adjacent six to 12 months and genuinely admit everyone who visits the tract and consumes our content. Without you, nary of this would beryllium possible.

If there’s thing you’d similar to spot america doing much of (or little of) fto america know. We are each ears.

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