Brown Butter Oatmeal Choc Chip Cookies (easy!)

1 year ago 46
Overhead photograph  of Brown food  oatmeal choc spot   cookies

Meet my favourite cooky successful the full satellite – Brown Butter Oatmeal Choc Chip Cookies. Buttery. Nutty and caramel-y undertones. Melty pockets of chocolate, crispy connected the edges and chewy successful the middle. Unbelievably speedy and casual – nary electrical beater, nary waiting astir for food to soften.

Overhead photograph  of Brown food  oatmeal choc spot   cookies

Rundown: Brown food oatmeal choc spot cookies

  • Taste: Nutty buttery-ness from the brownish food with large melty chunks of chocolate

  • Texture: Crispy connected the edges and base, and chewy wrong from the oatmeal.

  • Difficulty: Effortless. No creaming butter. No appliances. Easy to grip dough.

  • Speed: Faster than accustomed cooky recipes. No chilling dough. No waiting for food to soften.

  • Return for effort: Extremely high. Punches mode supra its weight.

I cognize determination are much “perfect” cookies retired determination successful this world. But for effort vs results, these cookies permission them successful the dust. It’s 1 of those uncommon gems wherever the extremity effect is not compromised by velocity and ease. In the satellite of baking, this is truthful rare, I americium assured that you, similar me, volition effort these erstwhile and cognize that it’s a Keeper!

They are everything you imagination of a cocoa spot cooky to be. Chewy wrong (thanks to the oats), crispy edges, precise buttery flavour (from the browned butter!) and large melty pockets of cocoa from chunks of chocolates alternatively than utilizing cocoa chips.

They are perfect. And they are accelerated and easy!

Close up   photograph  of breached  Brown food  oatmeal choc spot   cookies

Ingredients successful brownish food choc spot cookies

When I’m making to impress, I similar to chop up bully acheronian cocoa myself. Lindt is my prime – not cheap, truthful I banal up erstwhile discounted! For mundane purposes, I’ll conscionable usage bully ole’ choc chips. Bakers’ choice!

Ingredients successful  Brown food  oatmeal choc spot   cookies
  • Chocolate oregon cocoa chips – See notes supra photo.

  • Unsalted food – This look calls for the food to beryllium browned which intensifies the buttery flavour. It’s truly casual – conscionable melt the food past simmer for a fewer minutes until it turns brownish and smells beautifully nutty. That’s it!

  • Oats – Just mean rolled oats. Recipe should enactment with speedy oats, but not definite astir alloy chopped oats.

  • Sugar – Brown sweetener for caramely flavour and to marque the cookies a spot chewy alternatively than crisp.

  • Flour – Just plain / all-purpose flour. Please don’t substitute with aforesaid raising flour arsenic it doesn’t person capable rising cause successful it.

  • Baking soda (bi-carb) – This is the leavening cause utilized successful these cookies (ie to marque them emergence a bit). It is stronger than baking pulverization and has somewhat antithetic leavening effect depending connected what you are making. Baking pulverization makes these cookies dome somewhat whereas baking soda makes them emergence much evening which is better.

  • Vanilla – Just a bit, for flavour.

  • Salt – It’s mostly bully signifier to adhd a spot of brackish into saccharine baking recipes arsenic it brings retired the flavours successful different ingredients. It doesn’t marque these cookies salty. But there’s surely the enactment to decorativeness them with a sprinkle of brackish flakes!

PRO TIP – Don’t usage the cocoa “dust”. It melts and smears successful the cooky dough and makes it look a spot messy. Save the particulate for your cappuccino and conscionable usage the chunks for your cookies!

Chopped acheronian  chocolateDon’t premix cocoa particulate into the cooky dough. It volition melt and discolour the cookie.

How to marque brownish food cocoa spot cookies

Are you acceptable to spot however shockingly and dangerously casual these are to make?

1. Brown the butter

Browning food is arsenic elemental arsenic melting food past letting it simmer until it changes from yellowish to aureate brownish which lone takes a fewer minutes. This intensifies the buttery flavour and adds nuttiness. Both bully things!

How to marque   Brown food  oatmeal choc spot   cookies
  1. Melt butter successful a metallic oregon different non-black saucepan oregon tiny pan. Why does the colour of the cooking vas matter? Because it’s intolerable to spot erstwhile the food changes from yellowish to aureate successful a achromatic pan. You’ll request to trust connected your odor oregon utilizing a spoon to scoop the food up to cheque the colour!

  2. Brown butter! Simmer the melted food connected mean to mean precocious for 3 to 5 minutes oregon until you spot small aureate bits (which are the dairy bits that spell toasty) and you tin odor the nuttiness. The food volition besides alteration from yellowish to aureate successful colour.

    Remove from the stove immediately to forestall it from going excessively brown. Pour the food into a ample mixing vessel and fto it chill for 5 minutes.

2. Just premix the dough with a woody spoon

How to marque   Brown food  oatmeal choc spot   cookies

  1. Whisk dry ingredients successful a vessel – the flour, oatmeal, brackish and baking soda.

  2. Whisk wet – Add sweetener into the inactive lukewarm brownish food and whisk. It volition look a spot split, that’s ok, it volition travel unneurotic erstwhile you adhd the egg. Add ovum and vanilla past whisk.

  3. Combine bedewed and adust – Pour the adust ingredients into the bedewed ingredients. Mix until the flour is mostly incorporated.

    Then adhd the chocolate chips and premix done until you tin nary longer spot flour.

  4. 5 minutes remainder – Set the cooky dough speech for 5 minutes to fto it steadfast up somewhat truthful it’s scoop capable into mounds.

3. Use a cooky scoop for speed!

How to marque   Brown food  oatmeal choc spot   cookies
  1. Scoop mounds of cooky dough onto lined trays, 5 cm / 2″ apart. I usage a size 40 cooky scoop which is 1 1/2 tablespoons (a heaped tablespoonful measure). You should get 22 cookies.

    I usage 3 trays – 8 cookies connected 2 trays and 6 cookies connected a 3rd tray.

  2. Press the mounds down to 0.8 cm / 1/3″ heavy rounds, reshaping arsenic needed if they divided oregon spell wonky.

4. Bake 11 minutes

  1. Bake – Bake 2 trays for 11 minutes, switching and rotating the trays astatine the the 7 infinitesimal people until airy golden. Remove, past cook the 3rd tray for 10 minutes, rotating astatine the 6 infinitesimal mark.

  2. Cool cookies connected the tray for 10 minutes – they volition proceed to navigator and spell a spot much golden. Then transportation to a cooling rack to afloat cool. They volition crisp up connected the edges and base, but beryllium chewy successful the mediate – champion of some worlds! 🙌🏻

Close up   photograph  of Brown food  oatmeal choc spot   cookies

You cognize the hardest portion astir these cookies? Picking that constituent successful the cooling clip erstwhile the cookies person firmed up capable truthful they aren’t excessively soft, but the cocoa is inactive (very!) melty. The model of accidental is really wider than you deliberation – astir 25 minutes to 50 minutes aft pulling them retired of the oven.

But I ever fret, not wanting to miss the accidental – due to the fact that erstwhile the cocoa has hardened, you cannot re-melt it without compromises the cooky itself – and I find myself hovering implicit the cookies, prodding them each 5 minutes oregon truthful wondering if I should spell successful for the kill.

The Kill being THIS moment:

Now you understand, right?

25 to 50 minutes retired of the oven. Set your timer, my friends. Don’t miss it.

Or, if you do, conscionable marque them again. They’re truthful easy, wherefore not! 😈 – Nagi x

Watch however to marque it

Overhead photograph  of Brown food  oatmeal choc spot   cookies

Brown food oatmeal choc spot cookies

Recipe video above. This is highly accelerated and easy, and ridiculously good. No creaming butter, nary chilling cooky dough. Don’t intermission to wonderment if it’s worthy the other 2 minutes to brownish the butter. I’m telling you it is! It makes them extra-buttery with a nutty edge. Off the charts delish!
DESCRIPTION: Chewy successful the mediate (thanks to oatmeal) with crispy edges. Extra buttery flavour! Use choc chips for convenience but if you're making to impress, chop your own. Makes 22 cookies 7cm/2.7" wide
Course Sweet Baking
Cuisine Western
Keyword oatmeal choc spot cookies
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Cooling 30 minutes
Servings 22 cookies
Calories 179cal
Author Nagi


  • 150g/10 tbsp unsalted butter , chopped into 1cm / 1/2″ cubes
  • 1 cup flour , plain/all-purpose
  • 1 1/2 cups rolled oats (not speedy oregon alloy cut)
  • 1 tsp baking soda (bi-carb) , sifted if lumpy
  • 1/8 tsp cooking/kosher salt
  • 1 cup brown sugar (tightly packed)
  • 1 large egg , astatine country somesthesia (~55g/2oz)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 200g/ 7 oz 70% acheronian cocoa block, I usage Lindt (Note 1, sub 1 cupful / 200g chips)


  • Preheat oven to 180°C/350°F (160°C fan). Lightly grease past enactment 3 baking trays with paper.
  • Brown butter – Melt food successful a tiny metallic cookware oregon saucepan implicit mean vigor (Note 2). Leave to simmer connected mean vigor for 3 to 5 minutes, stirring each present and then, until (when you propulsion foam aside) you spot small golden-brown bits. Immediately determination into a vessel (including the aureate bits) and acceptable speech to chill for 5 minutes.
  • Chop choc – Cut the cocoa into 1cm /1/4" pieces. Transfer the chunks into a vessel and permission the good cocoa particulate down for different intent (makes cookies speckled, Note 1).
  • Mix dough – Whisk flour, oats, baking soda, and brackish successful a ample bowl. Add sweetener to the brownish food and whisk (it mightiness not harvester fully). Add ovum and vanilla, whisk until smooth.
  • Finish dough – Add adust ingredients into the ovum mixture. Mix with a woody spoon until the flour is astir mixed in. Add chocolate, and disturbance until mixed done and you tin nary longer spot flour. Set speech for 5 minutes to fto the substance steadfast up a bit.
  • Bake – Scoop a heaped tablespoonful of dough onto the tray, 5 cm / 2 ” apart. (I usage a size 40 cooky scoop, makes 22 cookies) Flatten to 8 mm / 1/3″ thick, reshaping sides if needed if they split/go wonky. Bake 1 tray astatine a clip for 10 minutes, rotating the tray astatine the 6 infinitesimal people (1 tray astatine a clip bakes much evenly – Note 3) until the aboveground is airy golden.
  • Cool connected the tray for 10 minutes, past transportation onto a cooling rack to afloat cool.


1. Choc dust – When you chop your ain chocolate, you’ll extremity up with “dust”. I similar not to usage the cocoa particulate arsenic it leaves speckles connected the cookie. It’s conscionable a ocular thing! I reserve for cappuccinos. 🙂
Lindt is my preferred, I banal up erstwhile it goes connected sale! Else immoderate acheronian eating cocoa is fine.
Substitute with 1 cupful / 200g acheronian choc chips / semi saccharine chips.
2. Browning food – Easier to usage metallic oregon different airy colour cookware erstwhile browning food truthful you tin spot the aureate brownish bits (can’t spot against achromatic base). Don’t hide to scrape successful each the aureate bits – it’s escaped flavour!
3. Baking – For 2 trays, cook 11 minutes, rotating the tray and switching shelves astatine the 7 infinitesimal mark.
4. Keeps 5 days successful an airtight container, they commencement softening connected time 3+. Keep successful fridge if it’s ace blistery wherever you are.
Nutrition per cookie, assuming 22 cookies.


Calories: 179cal | Carbohydrates: 22g | Protein: 2g | Fat: 9g | Saturated Fat: 5g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.5g | Monounsaturated Fat: 3g | Trans Fat: 0.2g | Cholesterol: 23mg | Sodium: 71mg | Potassium: 90mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 13g | Vitamin A: 185IU | Calcium: 20mg | Iron: 1mg

Life of Dozer

Dozer, nary magnitude of hovering is going to get you immoderate chocolate! It’s atrocious for you!

The station Brown Butter Oatmeal Choc Chip Cookies (easy!) appeared archetypal connected RecipeTin Eats.

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