BMW, Mercedes Against EU Tariffs On Chinese EVs, Say It Could Backfire

3 weeks ago 7
  • BMW CEO Oliver Zipse says the German car manufacture doesn’t request extortion successful the signifier of EU tariffs against Chinese components.
  • Mercedes’ CEO agrees, claiming that, if anything, import duties for the Asian superpower should beryllium reduced.
  • The EU is acceptable to marque a last determination connected tariffs successful November.

As the European Union investigates whether it should present import tariffs against Chinese EVs to support its section manufacturers, Germany’s BMW and Mercedes accidental they are against the move, arguing that it could backfire.

In bid to beforehand the maturation of its home automotive manufacturing industry, China has offered generous subsidies to home companies making EVs and their batteries. Although the determination has been successful, the nation’s automakers are present gathering much vehicles than they tin merchantability domestically, starring to fears that they volition undercut European automakers and merchantability vehicles astatine an unmatchable price.

Read: Mercedes Boss Pleads With EU To Reduce, Not Increase, Tariffs On Chinese EVs

However, BMW and Mercedes some run manufacturing plants successful China, and they reason that introducing import tariffs connected Chinese-made cars and components could dilatory Europe’s modulation to electrical vehicles.

“We don’t deliberation that our manufacture needs protection,” BMW CEO Oliver Zipse said this week, per Reuters. “There is nary Green Deal successful Europe without resources from China.”

Mercedes CEO Ola Kaellenius agreed with Zipse, reiterating his absorption to restrictions connected commercialized with China this week, Reuters reports. In fact, successful the past, helium has argued that the EU should trim tariffs against the Asian country, not summation them.

 BMW, Mercedes Against EU Tariffs On Chinese EVs, Say It Could Backfire Mercedes CEO Ola Kaellenius. Credit: Mercedes

Not each European automaker agrees, however. In a caller letter to European voters, Renault CEO Luca de Meo wrote that the continent should enactment its automotive assemblage and projected that automakers excavation their resources and enactment unneurotic to instrumentality connected China’s car industry.

The European Union’s probe is acceptable to reason successful November, but it whitethorn determine to enforce provisional duties arsenic soon arsenic July. Despite the absorption from Germany, the bloc’s leaders look to beryllium successful enactment of taking steps to support Europe’s manufacturing assemblage from extracurricular threat.

 BMW, Mercedes Against EU Tariffs On Chinese EVs, Say It Could Backfire Credit: Mercedes
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