Biggest Movers: DOGE Down 8% as Twitter Removes Logo

1 year ago 45

Dogecoin was erstwhile again successful the reddish connected Friday, arsenic Twitter yet removed the doge icon arsenic its logo. The meme coin raced to a four-month precocious earlier successful the week, aft the societal media elephantine unexpectedly added a cartoon representation of doge connected its website. Overall, crypto markets were mostly lower, with xrp a notable exception.

Dogecoin (DOGE)

Dogecoin (DOGE) fell for a 4th consecutive league connected Friday, arsenic Twitter yet removed the doge icon arsenic its logo.

DOGE/USD surged to a precocious of $0.1048 connected Tuesday, nevertheless arsenic sentiment shifted, the meme coin fell to a debased of $0.08185 earlier today.

Bears look to beryllium pushing doge towards a semipermanent level astatine $0.0780, with prices down by astir 9% today.

Looking astatine the chart, the latest driblet successful terms coincided with the 14-day comparative spot scale (RSI) falling beneath enactment astatine 55.00.

Currently, terms spot is tracking astatine the 52.85 mark, with a little level astatine 50.00 a imaginable people for sellers.

Despite the caller downward trend, the 10-day (red) moving mean continues to inclination higher.


Despite the cryptocurrency marketplace headdress trading mostly little connected Friday, XRP, formerly ripple, was a notable exception.

Following a debased of $0.4968 the time prior, XRP/USD moved to a highest astatine $0.5129 earlier today.

As a effect of the move, bulls pushed the token distant from a caller enactment constituent astatine the $0.4950 mark.

This comes arsenic the RSI besides moved distant from a level of its ain astatine 59.00. It is presently tracking astatine 61.17.

Should this momentum proceed into the Easter weekend, the adjacent disposable ceiling volition beryllium astatine the 65.00 mark.

If this constituent is reached, determination is simply a bully accidental that XRP volition beryllium trading supra $0.5200.

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