Air Canada Inaugurates Multimodal Partnership with The Landline Company

1 month ago 9

Earlier this year, Air Canada announced a caller multimodal concern The Landline Company, which offers passengers successful the Hamilton and Kitchener/Waterloo regions seamless entree to Air Canada flights astatine Toronto Pearson (YYZ).

Through the aviator project, which is live arsenic of May 1, 2024, Air Canada passengers tin bask crushed proscription to and from Toronto Pearson (YYZ) connected a Canadian-built motorcoach operated by The Landline Company, connecting to oregon from an Air Canada formation connected a azygous itinerary. 

Air Canada Launches Multimodal Partnership with The Landline Company

Air Canada has inaugurated a multimodal aviator task with The Landline Company, which provides motorcoach work to passengers betwixt John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport (YHM) and the Region of Waterloo International Airport (YKF) to Toronto Pearson (YYZ)

The Canadian-built motorcoaches connection passengers afloat accessible proscription with reclining leather seats, tray tables, powerfulness outlets, and complimentary Wi-Fi for the journey. Each motorcoach has 36 seats successful a 2-1 configuration, arsenic good arsenic overhead bins for carry-on bags and an onboard lavatory.

Air Canada is launching a multimodal concern with The Landline Company

Through the partnership, passengers are capable to publication a azygous itinerary that combines the motorcoach transportation with a departing oregon arriving Air Canada formation astatine its hub astatine Toronto Pearson (YYZ). 

Landline operates six, non-stop round-trip  journeys regular from each of Hamilton (YHM) and Kitchener/Waterloo (YKF) airports, with the schedules for each arsenic follows:

Passengers departing from Hamilton oregon Kitchener/Waterloo volition cheque successful arsenic per accustomed for their flight, and get boarding passes for each travel segments. 

Then, they’ll committee an Air Canada-branded motorcoach, and their checked baggage volition beryllium loaded connected their behalf. Upon accomplishment astatine Toronto Pearson (YYZ), passengers volition proceed straight to security, and their baggage volition beryllium transferred onward to their connecting flight.

For passengers arriving astatine Toronto Pearson (YYZ) and connecting to a motorcoach backmost to Hamilton oregon Kitchener/Waterloo, you’ll request to cod your baggage upon accomplishment and bring it to the designated Landline pickup determination connected the crushed level of the airdrome for your connection.

Passengers volition bask afloat itinerary extortion successful the lawsuit of immoderate delays connected the motorcoach work oregon with flights.

Plus, passengers volition gain Aeroplan points connected some the crushed and aerial segments.

The aviator task began from Hamilton and Waterloo airports connected May 1 2024, with the imaginable to beryllium launched elsewhere successful Canada successful the future.

The multimodal work is present disposable for booking connected Air Canada’s booking channels.

When booking, simply participate Hamilton (YHM) oregon Waterloo (YKF) arsenic your departure/arrival point, and the hunt results volition display  “Includes question operated by The Landline Company” for the motorcoach connection.

At this time, it’s not imaginable to redeem Aeroplan points for multimodal bookings.

Air Canada’s Newest Multimodal Venture

Air Canada’s aviator task with The Landline Company is its latest task into multimodal bookings connected a azygous itinerary.

Recently, the hose launched air-to-rail connections successful Europe, which connection passengers a azygous summons that has some aerial work and obstruction work successful prime countries.

This newest task offers passengers who would different person to thrust and parkland astatine Toronto Pearson (YYZ) the enactment to permission their car astatine oregon person to home, and bask a motorcoach work to Toronto Pearson (YYZ) instead.

Furthermore, Air Canada doesn’t presently run immoderate flights from Hamilton (YHM) oregon Kitchener/Waterloo (YKF).

However, some airports connection non-stop flights to destinations successful Canada, the United States, and the Caribbean from Air Canada’s mainline and ultra-low-cost competitors.

This multimodal concern is simply a unsocial mode for Air Canada to connection passengers entree to its planetary web with a seamless connection, without offering flights departing from either airport.


Air Canada has inaugurated its concern with The Landline Company, providing motorcoach work betwixt Hamilton (YHM) and Kitchener/Waterloo (YKF) airports and Toronto Pearson (YYZ).

Passengers tin publication the motorcoach transportation and aerial work connected a azygous itinerary crossed Air Canada’s booking channels, for journeys opening arsenic of May 1, 2024. 

This aviator task is Air Canada’s latest task into multimodal journeys, which whitethorn beryllium launched astatine different Canadian airports successful the future.

The station Air Canada Inaugurates Multimodal Partnership with The Landline Company appeared archetypal connected Prince of Travel by T.J. Dunn.

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