30% Transfer Bonus from Chase Ultimate Rewards to Virgin Atlantic Flying Club

1 month ago 12

Chase Ultimate Rewards has erstwhile again launched a 30% transportation bonus to Virgin Atlantic Flying Club. We thin to spot this connection look a fewer times a year, and it’s travel up erstwhile again to footwear disconnected the lukewarm question months.

While Virgin Atlantic is based successful the UK and chiefly flies connected transatlantic routes, determination are immoderate fantabulous opportunities to redeem Virgin Points connected different airlines, including immoderate of the champion saccharine spots successful the game.

30% Transfer Bonus to Virgin Atlantic Flying Club

Until June 15, 2024, you’ll get a 30% transportation bonus erstwhile you person Chase Ultimate Rewards into Virgin Points successful Virgin Atlantic Flying Club.

The accustomed transportation ratio is 1:1, but with the transportation bonus applied, you’ll get an effectual transportation ratio of 1:1.3. In different words, for each 1,000 Chase Ultimate Rewards you transfer, you’ll get 1,300 Virgin Points.

This transportation promotion is lone for those who dabble successful US recognition cards and person entree to Chase Ultimate Rewards points. Unless you person a spot of past successful the US, it’s not imaginable to entree Chase recognition cards successful a abbreviated magnitude of time.

However, if you’re looking to redeem Virgin Points for high-value redemptions, it’s worthy considering this transportation bonus offer, but you should enactment up a circumstantial usage for your points first, alternatively than transferring them connected a speculative basis.

Is This Transfer Bonus a Good Deal?

Any clip there’s a transportation bonus astatine play, it’s a bully thought to see what’s astatine stake, since it’s an casual way to getting adjacent much outsized worth from your points.

Aside from redeeming Virgin Points for flights with Virgin Atlantic, 1 of the champion saccharine spots astir is to book ANA First Class and business class astatine immoderate of the astir competitory prices successful the game.

A one-way formation successful ANA First Class costs conscionable 72,500 Virgin Points from the occidental US, oregon 85,000 Virgin Points from the eastbound US. If you hap to find grant availability, the transportation bonus brings the effective outgo down to astir 56,000–66,000 Chase UR points.

On the different hand, a one-way formation successful ANA concern people costs conscionable 45,000 Virgin Points from Vancouver oregon the occidental US, oregon 47,500 Virgin Points from the eastbound US. With the transportation bonus astatine play, you tin efficaciously publication the flights for conscionable 35,000–37,000 Chase UR points.

Book ANA concern people with Virgin Points

Fortunately, it looks similar there’s fantabulous ANA concern people grant availability for the period of May 2024, some from Vancouver and cities crossed the United States.

To find the awards, you tin usage your favourite grant hunt website, oregon you tin hunt connected the United MileagePlus website and leverage its calendar view.

Then, erstwhile you’ve recovered availability, you tin telephone Virgin Atlantic Flying Club to publication it implicit the phone.

Furthermore, since the transfers are instant, you should beryllium capable to transportation them from Chase UR erstwhile the cause has located the availability. Alternatively, you tin spot an grant clasp for up to 48 hours.

ANA grant seats successful premium cabins are peculiarly hard to travel by these days, truthful if you hap to person immoderate Chase UR astatine your disposal and would similar to publication 1 of the champion products retired determination – albeit astatine the past infinitesimal – beryllium definite to leverage this opportunity. 

Otherwise, you tin inactive usage Virgin Points to publication transatlantic flights with Virgin Atlantic astatine competitory prices; however, beryllium prepared to fork retired immoderate currency with the hefty taxes and fees.


Chase is offering a 30% transportation bonus erstwhile you person Chase Ultimate Rewards into Virgin Points successful Virgin Atlantic Flying Club. This promotion runs until June 15, 2024, which leaves plentifulness of clip to instrumentality vantage of it if you person a circumstantial usage successful mind.

Using Virgin Points to publication ANA First Class and business class is 1 of the champion saccharine spots successful the Miles & Points game, truthful beryllium definite to find grant availability archetypal and past transportation your points for adjacent much outsized value.

The station 30% Transfer Bonus from Chase Ultimate Rewards to Virgin Atlantic Flying Club appeared archetypal connected Prince of Travel by T.J. Dunn.

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