2024 Hyundai Tucson review

3 weeks ago 10

Hyundai has offered a turbo-diesel powertrain successful its fashionable Tucson mid-size SUV offering for good implicit 10 years now, but that’s coming to an extremity this year.

An update to the Tucson is touching down locally soon. It brings a raft of changes, notably including the axing of the torquey 2.0-litre four-cylinder turbo-diesel motor option.

This follows a wider marketplace alteration with carmakers ditching diesels for businesslike petrol and hybrid options. Mid-size examples from caller past see the Mazda CX-5, Peugeot 3008, SsangYong Korando and Volkswagen Tiguan.

For present nevertheless Hyundai is inactive offering Tucsons with a diesel. In fact, the institution is presently offering a $750 mill bonus connected each examples, careless of the powertrain, built earlier February 2024.

WATCH: Paul’s video reappraisal of the MY22 Tucson Highlander 2.0D AWD

Hyundai presently offers the 2.0-litre turbo-diesel connected a fig of variants, including this mid-spec Elite connected trial here. Our tester was besides fitted with the optional N Line Package which dials up the sporty looks but doesn’t bring immoderate other power.

Should you drawback up a existent Tucson present oregon are you amended waiting for the updated model? Read on to find out.

How overmuch does the Hyundai Tucson cost?

The 2024 Hyundai Tucson is disposable successful 3 antithetic trim levels and tin each beryllium optioned with the N Line Package. On trial present is the mid-spec Tucson Elite AWD diesel with the N Line option.

Our tester’s optional N Line Package outgo $2500, bringing the as-tested terms to $49,150 earlier on-roads.

2024 Hyundai Tucson pricing:

  • 2024 Hyundai Tucson 2.0 FWD: $35,650
  • 2024 Hyundai Tucson Elite 2.0 FWD: $40,650
  • 2024 Hyundai Tucson Elite 1.6T AWD: $44,650
  • 2024 Hyundai Tucson Highlander 2.0 FWD: $46,150
  • 2024 Hyundai Tucson Elite 2.0TD AWD: $46,650
  • 2024 Hyundai Tucson Highlander 2.0 FWD w/ sunroof: $47,650
  • 2024 Hyundai Tucson Highlander 1.6T AWD: $50,150
  • 2024 Hyundai Tucson Highlander 2.0TD AWD: $52,150
  • 2024 Hyundai Tucson Highlander 1.6T AWD w/ sunroof: $51,650
  • 2024 Hyundai Tucson Highlander 2.0TD AWD w/sunroof: $53,650

Prices are earlier on-road costs

To spot however the Tucson compares with its rivals, usage our comparison tool.

What is the Hyundai Tucson similar connected the inside?

Walking up you bull an eyeful of the sporty-looking N Line bodykit which you’ll either emotion oregon hate. I personally don’t caput it, arsenic the instrumentality arch covers are painted alternatively than being achromatic plastic.

At nighttime the broadside mirrors whir into spot erstwhile you attack the car and there’s a tiny airy that illuminates wrong the doorway handle. It’s a neat interaction that makes the grip easier to find.

Due to the raised tallness you pivot into the Tucson alternatively than stepping up oregon down, which is synonymous with crossover SUVs. This is thing that could beryllium precise utile for those with constricted mobility.

Once inside, the driving presumption is perched bully and high, allowing you to person a wide and commanding presumption of the roadworthy ahead. It whitethorn beryllium excessively precocious for some, but this is wherefore immoderate radical bargain an SUV compared to a low-riding sedan oregon wagon.

The N Line Package connected the wrong gets you features similar sporty beforehand seats with leather and suede upholstery, a sporty steering wheel, metallic pedals, and a achromatic headliner, among others. It goes a agelong mode to marque the Tucson consciousness darker and much menacing.

The driver’s spot offers 10 ways of electrical adjustment, including plentifulness of adjustable thigh enactment which is bully for those with longer legs similar myself. The beforehand rider spot connected the different manus is wholly manually adjusted which is communal for the conception astatine this terms point.

Both the beforehand seats are truly comfy and supportive. The suede sections marque you instrumentality much than slippery leather oregon leatherette does, which makes you consciousness locked in. They’re besides heated, which got a due workout connected chilly Melbourne mornings.

One of the fewer gripes I person astir the beforehand seats is the headrest successful its default lowered presumption sticks retired excessively much, though you tin hole this by pushing it up higher and reclining the backrest a touch.

The Tucson’s sporty leather-wrapped steering instrumentality feels bully successful the manus and is simply a bully size. It isn’t heated successful the Elite; you request to measurement up to the top-spec Highlander to get this feature.

All the buttons connected the instrumentality are logically placed and consciousness acquainted if you’ve driven a caller Hyundai. Some of the buttons person a glossy achromatic decorativeness which got grubby aft a spot of use.

Behind the steering instrumentality is simply a 10.25-inch integer instrumentality clump that’s communal successful a wide scope of existent Hyundai vehicles. It doesn’t person a cowl similar immoderate models, but it’s agleam capable to bounds the magnitude of reflections and glare.

The surface itself is high-resolution and has a fig of configurations allowing you to show the contented you’d like. I bash privation determination were much leafage layouts that displayed a integer speedometer, arsenic good arsenic smartphone mirroring navigation.

The centre stack is started to look a small dated and tacky present successful 2024. I’ve ne'er truly been a instrumentality of this setup, but thankfully this is 1 the cardinal changes coming with the mid-life update.

The existent exemplary has a 10.25-inch touchscreen infotainment strategy that’s wide but isn’t precise tall, making it look a spot similar a letterbox opening. Like the instrumentality cluster, the touchscreen is inactive high-resolution. It’s besides precise reactive to touch, making it casual to navigate menus and scroll done lists.

Apple CarPlay and Android Auto proceed to lone beryllium offered successful wired signifier with the 10.25-inch touchscreen. You’re required to plug your telephone successful to a USB-A larboard located astatine the beforehand of the centre console.

With my iPhone 15 Pro Max plugged successful I didn’t acquisition immoderate dropouts, which is to beryllium expected. The lone drawback was it’s hard to slot a plus-sized telephone into the nook astatine the beforehand of the centre console without mangling your cable.

In that aforesaid nook there’s a wireless charger which didn’t person a large capable ledge to decently clasp a telephone if you brake oregon accelerate a spot excessively hard.

The touchscreen infotainment strategy comes with an in-built outer navigation which is adjuvant if you haven’t got immoderate telephone work and inactive request to marque your mode home.

Under the touchscreen, I’m inactive not a large instrumentality of the touch-sensitive setup for the dual-zone clime control. It’s connected a ample soft achromatic sheet that got truly smudged and grubby aft a fewer days.

There are plentifulness of different soft achromatic finishes, including the centre passageway and a portion of the doorway armrests, which blows my caput arsenic these are immoderate of the astir often touched areas of the car.

There are besides acold excessively galore hard plastics for a mid-sized SUV astatine this terms point. Thankfully determination are immoderate softer finishes connected the armrests and a information of the dashboard, but I expected better. Hopefully this is addressed with the update.

You’ll either emotion oregon hatred the achromatic headliner that comes erstwhile you opt for the N Line enactment package. I personally don’t caput it arsenic it makes the subtle reddish highlights pop.

A push-button cogwheel selector comes arsenic standard. It looks interesting, but yet I don’t similar however you interact with it. I recovered I kept accidentally shifting into neutral erstwhile parking, which made maine person to instrumentality my eyes disconnected the roadworthy to look wherever I request to press.

There’s an capable magnitude of retention up beforehand successful the Tucson, including 2 cupholders, sizeable doorway cubbies, arsenic good arsenic a decently sized centre console container and mitt box.

The 2nd enactment of the Tucson is wherever the benefits of Hyundai Australia opting for the longer-wheelbase exemplary (not the smaller European option) are astir noticeable.

At a leggy 182cm I had palatial amounts of leg-, head-, shoulder-, and toe-space successful the 2nd enactment down my driving position. I tin spot wherefore these benignant of vehicles are truthful fashionable with families. The rear seat besides reclines a spot which makes sitting backmost determination adjacent much comfy for longer trips.

Second-row amenities see aerial vents connected the backmost of the centre console, USB-A ports, arsenic good arsenic a fold-down armrest with cupholders. There are besides the requisite outboard ISOFIX points and 3 top-tether points.

At the back, the Tucson Elite comes modular with a manual tailgate which is disappointing but communal for the conception astatine this price.

Once the footwear is unfastened determination is simply a immense magnitude of abstraction – Hyundai claims an authoritative 539L footwear capableness fig which expands to 1860L with the rear seats folded.

There truly aren’t galore frills successful the footwear too propulsion tags to run the 60/40 split-folding rear seats and a 12V socket.

Under the footwear level is simply a full-size spare instrumentality which is captious for those who often thrust successful agrarian and determination areas.

What’s nether the bonnet?

The 2024 Hyundai Tucson is presently offered with 2 petrols and a diesel powertrain. On trial present is the latter, though it’s getting the axe with the impending mid-life update.

ModelHyundai Tucson 2.0D AWD
Engine2.0L 4cyl turbo-diesel
Power137kW (4000rpm)
Engine torque416Nm (2000-2750rpm)
Transmission8-speed auto
Driven wheelsAll-wheel drive
Weight1773kg (tare)
Fuel depletion (claim)6.3L/100km
Fuel depletion (observed)6.9L/100km (320km mixed driving)
CO2 (claim) 163g/km
Fuel vessel size54 litres

To spot however the Tucson compares with its rivals, usage our comparison tool.

How does the Hyundai Tucson drive?

Starting the Tucson with the 2.0-litre four-cylinder turbo-diesel motor you’re provided with a muted diesel grumble. It does a bully occupation astatine disguising immoderate overly cultivation notes.

One of the fewer times you’re acutely alert the car is powered by a diesel motor is erstwhile you’re stopped successful postulation and determination are flimsy vibrations emanating from the floor. This is simply a classical diesel attribute.

Taking disconnected there’s plentifulness of powerfulness and torque which makes mundane driving consciousness effortless. With highest torque coming connected pat from 2000rpm you’ll easy get the leap connected different cars astatine the postulation lights.

Acceleration astatine little speeds remains strong, but the car isn’t overly rapid. The motor doesn’t truly similar to beryllium revved, and prefers to beryllium driven astir leisurely wherever you tin thin connected the torque.

Unlike the different turbocharged powertrain the Tucson is presently offered with, the turbo-diesel motor is mated to a regular torque-converter automatic transmission with 8 gears. They enactment incredibly good successful unison, creating a serene driving acquisition – there’s nary learning curve here.

Gear changes are crisp and precise, positive determination are capable cogwheel ratios for the revs to beryllium near arsenic debased arsenic imaginable to trim substance consumption. The transmission volition happily driblet a cogwheel oregon 2 and flare the revs if needed to exit a corner, for example.

Something that amazed maine astir this car is however substance businesslike the turbo-diesel motor is astir town. I often saw figures little than 7.0L/100km, adjacent successful dense traffic, which is fantastic successful a conveyance this size.

One of the fewer catches nevertheless is there’s nary idle stop-start system, which means emissions proceed from the exhaust if you’re stationary. This isn’t the champion look if you’re doing the schoolhouse driblet off, for example.

The suspension tune astatine little speeds is compliant enough, adjacent with the ample 19-inch N Line alloy wheels fitted to our tester. It’s a comfort-oriented setup, though thankfully it’s ne'er excessively floaty implicit pimply roads.

Harsher hits similar velocity bumps oregon potholes aren’t transferred into the compartment excessively drastically, allowing you to cruise astir municipality happily.

On that point, the steering is nicely weighted, meaning it’s not excessively airy oregon steadfast successful the mean driving mode. Sport mode does tighten up the steering, but it doesn’t needfully marque the car consciousness immoderate sportier.

You besides person a bully consciousness what’s happening with the wheels from the steering wheel. This is progressively uncommon successful SUVs that person lighter steering tunes.

Despite being a long-wheelbase exemplary successful the planetary context, the Tucson is inactive casual to park. As modular our tester comes with beforehand and rear parking sensors, arsenic good arsenic a reversing camera with capable resolution. It’d beryllium bully to person a surround-view camera but you request to measurement up to the Highlander for that.

Getting retired connected the unfastened roadworthy is wherever the turbo-diesel enters its earthy habitat. You tin physique up velocity truly easy and inactive person capable oomph to bash an overtake if required.

Once you’ve reached road and freeway speeds the Tucson finds a groove wherever the revs are kept debased and sound is kept to a minimum. This isn’t excessively overmuch upwind noise, nor tyre roar connected coarse-chip roads.

At higher speeds the suspension remains truly comfortable. Harsher bumps are soaked up nicely bumps nicely, and continuous undulations are settled aft 1 (or occasionally two) motions.

On the information front, the Tucson’s adaptive cruise power takes a 2nd to decently engage, which is simply a small frustrating from down the instrumentality arsenic the car volition dilatory down momentarily and past flare the revs to get backmost up to the acceptable speed. Is it excessively overmuch for the cruise power to commencement moving erstwhile you property the acceptable button?

Once it’s activated nevertheless you’ll beryllium coasting a agelong astatine ease. For the astir portion the strategy works truly good though determination are a fewer gripes. I did announcement it likes to creep up to 4km/h implicit your acceptable velocity earlier braking to dilatory down. This could perchance beryllium a small problematic successful velocity camera-prone Victoria.

To proceed the gripe-fest, the lane-keep assistance which activates astatine speeds implicit 60km/h is precise progressive and jerks astatine the steering instrumentality often to support you successful the lane. A batch of times it’s wrong, particularly connected freeway off-ramps oregon roadworks.

The lane centring relation which you tin activate by pressing a fastener connected the steering instrumentality besides isn’t my favourite. It’s champion near for usage connected intelligibly marked highways and freeways arsenic it tin get mislaid connected meandering roads precise easily.

Lastly, the Tucson’s N Line bundle brings LED headlights which are agleam and considerably amended than the halogen units fitted to the Elite arsenic standard.

They’re peculiarly useful for those who unrecorded successful agrarian and determination areas and request to support an oculus retired for wildlife. There are besides cornering lights which assistance illuminate astir a corner.

What bash you get?

There are 3 trim levels available. On trial present is the mid-spec Elite with the optional N Line Package.

Tuscon highlights:

  • 17-inch alloy wheels
  • Full-size spare wheel
  • Dark chrome beforehand grille
  • Roof rails
  • Halogen headlights
  • LED daytime moving lights
  • LED broadside indicators
  • Heated and auto-folding broadside mirrors
  • 8-inch touchscreen infotainment system
  • 4.2-inch integer instrumentality cluster
  • Wireless Apple CarPlay, Android Auto
  • 6-speaker dependable system
  • Wireless telephone charger
  • Manual air-conditioning
  • Electronic parking brake
  • Leather-wrapped steering wheel
  • Leather-wrapped cogwheel knob
  • Premium cloth dashboard and doorway centre trim
  • Black cloth upholstery
  • Power driver’s spot lumbar

Elite adds:

  • 18-inch alloy wheels
  • Front parking sensors
  • Advanced Rear Occupant Alert
  • Rear privateness glass
  • Rain-sensing model wipers
  • Solar power windshield glass
  • 10.25-inch touchscreen infotainment system
  • Wired Apple CarPlay, Android Auto
  • Satellite navigation
  • Dual-zone clime control
  • Keyless introduction with push-button start
  • Remote start
  • Shift-by-wire cogwheel selector (AWD)
  • Paddle shifters (AWD)
  • Luggage net
  • Black leather upholstery
  • Heated beforehand seats
  • 10-way powerfulness driver’s spot adjustment

The optional N Line bundle ($2500, Elite) adds:

  • 19-inch N Line alloy wheels
  • N Line exterior assemblage kit
  • N Line beforehand and rear bumpers
  • N Line rear spoiler
  • Body-coloured cladding
  • N Line beforehand grille
  • N Line daytime moving lights
  • LED headlights (Tucson and Elite)
  • Auto high-beam (Tucson and Elite)
  • LED process lights with black-tinted lens (Tucson and Elite)
  • N Line skid plate
  • 10.25-inch integer instrumentality cluster
  • N Line cogwheel knob (FWD)
  • Metal pedals
  • Leather, suede upholstery

Is the Hyundai Tucson safe?

The Hyundai Tucson received a five-star ANCAP information rating based connected investigating conducted of the short-wheelbase European-market exemplary by Euro NCAP successful 2021.

It received an big occupant extortion standing of 86 per cent, a kid occupant extortion standing of 87 per cent, a susceptible roadworthy idiosyncratic extortion standing of 66 per cent, and a information assistance standing of 70 per cent.

The Tucson scope comes modular with the pursuing information features:

  • Autonomous exigency braking (AEB)
    • Pedestrian detection
    • Cyclist detection
    • Junction assist
  • Blind-spot assist
  • Safe exit warning
  • Rear cross-traffic assist
  • Intelligent velocity bounds assist
  • Lane-keep assist
  • Lane Following Assist (lane centring)
  • Adaptive cruise power with stop/go
  • Leading conveyance departure alert
  • Reversing camera
  • Rear parking sensors
  • Rear occupant alert
  • Tyre-pressure monitoring
  • Front, front-side, and curtain airbags, positive a front-centre airbag

Stepping up higher successful the scope gets you information features specified arsenic a AEB successful reverse, Blind-Spot View Monitor cameras, precocious rear occupant alert, beforehand parking sensors, and surround-view camera, depending connected the variant.

How overmuch does the Hyundai Tucson outgo to run?

The 2024 Hyundai Tucson is covered by a five-year, unlimited kilometre warranty.

Logbook servicing for the basal petrol and the diesel is required each 12 months oregon 15,000km, whichever comes first. The 1.6-litre turbo petrol requires connected the different manus requires servicing each 12 months oregon 10,000km.

Hyundai presently offers three-, four- and five-year pre-paid work plans for the Tucson. They are priced from $1240, $1790 and $2185 respectively for our diesel tester.

CarExpert’s Take connected the Hyundai Tucson

This is the extremity of an era.

The Hyundai Tucson is firmly the brand’s top-seller and to day the turbo-diesel has agelong been the prime of the lineup. It delivers a wealthiness of torque which helps marque for a relaxed and effortless driving experience.

It’s bittersweet to spot the diesel get the axe fixed it’s besides technically the astir fuel-efficient enactment successful the lineup, astatine slightest until the caller Tucson Hybrid arrives with the mid-life update.

Speaking of the update, a fig of my gripes with this car look to person been fixed. These see the dated interior layout, deficiency of wireless smartphone mirroring, and the awkward button-style shift-by-wire cogwheel selector.

It volition besides prime up a frustrating information diagnostic that defaults to connected each clip you commencement the car, contempt not being required successful Australia, and incessantly beeps and bongs astatine you. It’s genuinely infuriating, and it’s becoming much communal successful caller and updated Hyundai-Kia vehicles.

In the meantime I’d accidental it’s a large clip to snatch up a existent Tucson due to the fact that there’s fundamentally thing incorrect with the car. I’d besides impulse you to see the diesel motor due to the fact that it truly is simply a pearler and won’t beryllium astir for excessively overmuch longer.

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